$MERL Claiming Is Going Live On Our Launchpad! Here's What To Do Next

$MERL Claiming Is Going Live On Our Launchpad! Here's What To Do Next

Table of Contents:

It’s claiming time!

The first event on our Launchpad is over, and now you can secure your $MERL allocation. Here’s what you need to do next, so read this guide carefully.

A milestone for our community

Before diving into the next steps, we wanted to sincerely thank you. Over 1 million of you joined the Launchpad, generating more than 1.4B Power. We also now have over 40%+ of our $ALLY supply staked.

This is a monumental milestone for the community, and we couldn't be prouder to share this achievement with Merlin Chain and everyone who made this possible.

Next steps

There will be two Claiming Phases for users to claim their allocations. All users must participate in Phase 1, with Phase 2 reserved for only the top 100 leaderboard participants. The Phases will be scheduled as follows:

Claiming Phase 1: (From Feb 10th, 12PM UTC to Feb 11th, 12PM UTC)

Once the Merlin Chain campaign ends, we will conduct a snapshot to verify that users’ Power corresponds to the BTC they hold on Merlin Chain and rebalance the Power leaderboard accordingly. This might take up to 2 hours.

After this process, users will have 22 hours to claim their allocations. To do so, click “Lock Your Allocation” on the Merlin Chain’s campaign page.

This will launch a screen allowing you to pay for the tokens you earned by accruing Power. To purchase, you will need Merlin Chain BTC. If you haven’t deposited BTC to MerlinChain yet, you can see the instructions on our participation guide at https://blog.particle.network/peoples-launchpad-guide/.

Claiming Phase 2: (Feb 11th, 12PM UTC to Feb 12th, 12PM UTC)

After Phase 1 ends, there will be another period of up to 2 hours to calculate unclaimed allocations. In Phase 2, users who made it to the top 100 positions on our leaderboard (after the snapshot) will have another 22-hour window to purchase a share of these. Once this period is over, all leftover allocations will be returned to Merlin Chain.

Final note

We advise all users to keep an eye on our Merlin Chain campaign page on the Launchpad until they have claimed all their allocations. Also, remember that the Merlin Chain team will conduct the token distribution in March.

Enjoy knowing you were one of the earliest $MERL supporters via our Launchpad. Stay on the lookout for upcoming opportunities, and subscribe to this blog for ongoing updates!

#WeAreThePeople 💥

Particle Network's Wallet Abstraction solutions are 100% free for developers and teams. By integrating them, you can set your project in a path to leveraging chain abstraction.

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Particle Network is addressing Web3's fragmentation of users and liquidity through Universal Accounts. Particle's chain abstraction is powered by a Cosmos SDK L1 blockchain enabling the experience of a single account, balance, and address that can be used across all chains, allowing users to interact with any dApp and pay gas with any token.

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About the author(s)

Carlos Maximiliano Cano

Carlos Maximiliano Cano

Particle's Content Manager. He's been in Web3 since 2017, collaborating with technical and marketing teams in crowdfunding, research, DeFi, privacy, and zero-knowledge proofs.