Unlocking DeFi: Experience Seamless and Secure Authentication, Gas-Free Wallet Deposits on ApeX Pro with Particle Network

Unlocking DeFi: Experience Seamless and Secure Authentication, Gas-Free Wallet Deposits on ApeX Pro with Particle Network

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We’re thrilled to partner with ApeX Protocol, a leading decentralized trading platform offering cross-margined perpetual contracts. ApeX Pro is a permissionless, non-custodial and non-KYC derivatives decentralized exchange, powered by StarkWare’s Layer 2 scalability engine StarkEx, that operates on an orderbook model.

To simplify web3 onboarding, ApeX integrates Particle’s authentication, wallet-as-a-service and Account Abstraction solutions. Our collaboration ensures a seamless user experience, eliminating the need for complex Web3 wallet creation. Together, we’re simplifying web3 and fostering a thriving DeFi ecosystem.

Simplifying Web3 Onboarding and Web3 Wallet Creation with Particle’s SDK, designed for both Mobile and Web

ApeX’s Onboarding page (left) and Wallet page (right) with Particle’s SDK Solutions

New ApeX users can effortlessly register using familiar login methods like Facebook and Twitter, thanks to Particle’s authentication and MPC wallet services.

Users can also create a secure Web3 non-custodial wallet on ApeX Pro directly through their social logins using Particle’s authentication and MPC wallet services. This eliminates the complexities associated with external wallet setup.

Whether accessed through mobile or web, ApeX and Particle’s integrated solution provides a unified experience for users, ensuring a consistent and convenient journey across all platforms.

High security for ApeX’s users with Particle Network’s MPC-TSS technology

Users can have complete confidence in the wallet’s robust security measures as Particle Network employs MPC-TSS technology. This innovative approach distributes the keys across multiple nodes, minimizing vulnerability and eliminating single points of failure.

Additionally, Particle Network’s solution provides further security measures, enhancing the protection of sensitive user information. Multiple encryption layers are implemented through their Master Password feature, along with a Dedicated and Isolated KMS, to safeguard user data more effectively.

Experience the batch transactions and being able to fund deposits without gas fees with Particle’s Account Abstraction Solution

ApeX’s Gasless Fund Deposit and Batch Transactions with Particle’s Account Abstraction Solution

When it comes to depositing or withdrawing funds, ApeX traders usually need to cover the gas fees for those transactions. With the integration of Particle Wallet, depositors no longer have to pay gas fees.

Additionally, through a feature called batch transaction, the process is streamlined. Instead of going through two separate steps of USDC spend authorization and deposit transaction confirmation, they only need to confirm a single transaction.

Particle’s full-featured AA Wallet SDK offers a range of powerful functions out of the box. In addition to the batch transaction and gasless deposit capability showcased in the ApeX integration, Particle Wallet AA wallet also offers a host of other features and possibilities. These include batch sending of NFTs, ERC20 token payments, as well as one-step swaps, which allows users to enjoy enhanced convenience and security.

Our goal is to create a smoother onboarding experience as we move towards a decentralised future. Leveraging Particle Network’s capabilities, ApeX delivers an efficient, secure, and user-friendly environment for all new users.

Easy and seamless End-to-End application development with Particle Network’s Full Stack Solutions

With many developers and end-users having difficulty interacting with Web3 technology, having products and solutions that are aligned with Web2 usability is critical. From authentication and wallet solutions to nodes and data API solutions, Particle Network provides projects like Apex Exchange the tools necessary to create the easiest and most reliable experience for developers and end-users alike.

About ApeX Pro

ApeX Pro is a non-custodial trading platform that delivers limitless cross-margined perpetual contracts to its metacommunity under a new social trading framework. It is primed to deliver limitless access to the perpetual swaps market with its order book model, as it remains committed to the promises of not just speed and efficiency, but also security with transparency on traders’ preferred derivatives trading assets.

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Particle Network's Wallet Abstraction solutions are 100% free for developers and teams. By integrating them, you can set your project in a path to leveraging chain abstraction.

About Particle Network

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Particle Network is addressing Web3's fragmentation of users and liquidity through Universal Accounts. Particle's chain abstraction is powered by a Cosmos SDK L1 blockchain enabling the experience of a single account, balance, and address that can be used across all chains, allowing users to interact with any dApp and pay gas with any token.

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Co-founder of Particle Network