Bringing Account Abstraction to B² Network (BSquared): BTC Connect

Bringing Account Abstraction to B² Network (BSquared): BTC Connect

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BTC Connect continues its path of adoption among the leading Bitcoin L2s. 

Today, we’re happy to announce that Particle Network is bringing account abstraction (AA) to the B² Network Mainnet, supercharging this zk-rollup on Bitcoin. As the first-ever Account Abstraction protocol for the Bitcoin ecosystem, BTC Connect is the first step toward full chain abstraction encompassing the Bitcoin ecosystem, enabling a new set of possibilities for native Bitcoin users, newcomers to BSquared’s ecosystem, and developers leveraging the L2.

Here’s all you need to know about this integration:

What does integrating Account Abstraction mean for B² Network (BSquared)?

BTC Connect is porting the improved UX made possible by ERC-4337 AA to the BTC ecosystem, setting the stage for seamless interconnectivity across chains. This novel solution allows users to control Smart Accounts deployed on EVM-compatible Bitcoin L2s –like B² Network– using only their native Bitcoin wallets. With BTC Connect, B² Network developers can easily onboard native Bitcoin users and offer a streamlined experience, combining the security of the OG L1 blockchain with the benefits of EVM compatibility.

As the first step of this integration, B² Network has incorporated BTC Connect into its native bridge, allowing users to instantly generate a Smart Account upon logging in via a UniSat or OKX wallet. To learn more about the user flow of BTC Connect, check out our dedicated article, or see the diagram below:

BTC Connect’s user flow.

Some examples of dApps already integrating BTC Connect within the B² Network ecosystem are:

  • Okapi, a social discovery protocol that leverages the wisdom of the crowd to guide users’ journey through the entirety of Web3.
  • Glowsap, an efficient and user-friendly DEX native to B² Network (integration confirmed but pending). 
  • Meson.Fi, a cross-chain bridge integrating a wide variety of Bitcoin L2s, featuring a clever integration of BTC Connect for users to bridge directly into their L2 Smart Accounts.
  • LayerCraft, an NFT marketplace and launchpad for BTC L2 assets.
  • PawX, a GameFi platform relying on its NFT collection to create a unique universe.
  • Shoebill Finance, an LST collateralizable leverage lending protocol, maximizing users’ yield. 

Furthermore, the following products on the B² ecosystem also leverage Particle Auth to offer Wallet Abstraction to their users: 

  • Dmail, an AI-powered decentralized messaging platform built to provide encrypted emails, unified notifications, and targeted marketing.
  • Secondlive, a SocialFi, GameFi, and Metaverse platform.

Why should developers tap into account abstraction on B² Network (BSquared)?

B² Network is an L2 solution on Bitcoin, using native BTC as gas. B² Network relies on zero-knowledge proof verification commitments, which are then submitted to Bitcoin’s L1. This system allows challengers to initiate fraud proofs for disputes, leveraging Bitcoin’s consensus to ensure the network’s security.

Furthermore, B² Network is fully EVM-compatible, and its BTC Connect integration allows its users to have a simultaneous native Bitcoin and Ethereum address within a fast, cheap, and secure blockchain. Account abstraction, on the other hand, introduces full account programmability on B² Network, allowing developers to craft highly immersive mass-market-ready dApps on Bitcoin, taking advantage of unique benefits such as gasless transactions, batched transactions, etc. You can learn more about Particle Network’s developer experience in this article.

Last, but not least, BTC Connect occupies a unique place in Particle Network’s long-term plans to unify Web3’s UX via its upcoming modular L1. As a part of this rollout, all Smart Accounts on B² Network created through BTC Connect will be instantly transitioned to Particle Network Universal Accounts, providing users on the L2 with a single interaction point, account, and balance across all chains, opening the gate to a chain-abstracted experience.

Upon connecting a UniSat wallet on B² Network’s bridge, a linked Smart Account on the L2 is automatically generated for users to deposit assets into.

Building Account Abstraction dApps on B² Network (BSquared) using BTC Connect

As a developer, you can already integrate BTC Connect on B² Network within your dApp via our main SDK, @particle-network/btc-connectkit.

Integrating BTC Connect takes under 50 lines of code (currently only available for Web applications). To create a streamlined developer experience (DevX), we have set up multiple dedicated resources to aid you in this process, with tutorials, guides with code examples, videos, and comprehensive information available within our documentation. Additionally, a full-length integration tutorial can also be found in B²‘s documentation.

You can find examples live at our SDK reference, and a video tutorial below:

Full code repository can be found here.

Closing thoughts

We’re thrilled to see this BTC Connect become adopted by solutions quickly growing their own user base, such as B² Network. Given the strategic synergies among BTC Connect and the upcoming Particle Network modular L1, this protocol constitutes the first step towards full chain abstraction encompassing Bitcoin.

BTC Connect is positioned to align the incentives of multiple players in the ecosystem. With it, native Bitcoin users can seamlessly port into an ever-expanding ecosystem of L2s, native wallets can consolidate their user base and role within it, and L2s can enhance their capabilities via AA while providing native Bitcoin users a simple mechanism for onboarding. Furthermore, developers easily tap into the benefits of building on Bitcoin while reducing friction for users, allowing them to build competitive dApps on top of scalable, cheap-to-use blockchains.

Particle Network's Wallet Abstraction solutions are 100% free for developers and teams. By integrating them, you can set your project in a path to leveraging chain abstraction.

About Particle Network

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Particle Network is addressing Web3's fragmentation of users and liquidity through Universal Accounts. Particle's chain abstraction is powered by a Cosmos SDK L1 blockchain enabling the experience of a single account, balance, and address that can be used across all chains, allowing users to interact with any dApp and pay gas with any token.

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About the author(s)

Carlos Maximiliano Cano

Carlos Maximiliano Cano

Particle's Content Manager. He's been in Web3 since 2017, collaborating with technical and marketing teams in crowdfunding, research, DeFi, privacy, and zero-knowledge proofs.